
Conference Call Thursday at 8 PM

Join us on a conference call to learn more about Common Core and opting out of assessments.  We have set up two call times next week to accommodate as many schedules as possible.  There will be short presentation and also  time for questions and answers.

Monday, February 24 at 10 AM and Thursday, February 27, at 8 PM.

The number and the code is the SAME for both dates.
Dial-in: 1-857-232-0157
Conference code: 864556

Parents: You do not have to wait for school officials, the Michigan Department of Ed, the Michigan legislature, or Governor Snyder to act; you can opt-out of any assessment and assignment you feel does not develop your child’s intellectual capabilities and skills in a safe and positive environment.   Michigan law is on YOUR side.   You are NOT alone.  Resistance is growing.   Parents across the nation in every state are opting out.

Please share this post by email, Twitter, and Facebook.  Together we can make sure our children retain the Right-To-Learn.


Here is a recording of the Monday conference call

Here is a slide show of the presentation in PDF if you would like to follow it.

