
New Poll Shows Support for CCSS Plummeting

Good news!  A new Rasmussen Poll shows that support is plummeting with parents of school-age children.   Shane VanderHart with Truth in American Education explains the results,

“They found that just 34% of adults with children in elementary or secondary school favor all schools nationwide to meet the Common Core State Standards.  That is a drop of 18% since early November 2013.  47% opposed the Common Core, and 19% are undecided.

54% believe the Common Core is unlikely to improve student performance, only 37% believe they will do what advocates promise.

Among all Americans Rasmussen notes 41% favor the the Common Core with 36% of Americans being opposed.  23% are undecided.  44% of all Americans believe Common Core will not improve student performance.”

Keep the pressure up.  The summer is a great time to get informed and talk to your family and friends about the Common Core.  Together we can defeat Common Core and retain parent/local control of education in Michigan.

The primary is August 5.  Every elected official from local school board to DC must let take a stand against the cradle-t0-career reforms that will destroy educational freedom and our children’s love for learning.See our Election 2014: Roll Call on the Common Core and find out where you candidates stand on Common Core.

Related Post:

Common Core: A cradle-to-career pathway to servitude.