
Learn the Truth about Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement courses and exams have come under intense scrutiny in recent weeks. Advanced Placement (AP)  are used in many high schools across and  controlled by the College Board, under the direct supervision of David Coleman.  The scrutiny is justified.  Missouri Education WatchDog has a very detailed post about College Board and AP here.  In a nutshell, Advanced Placement is being redesigned and the changes are not good for students or America.

Parents and teachers can find out more tonight in a webinar hosted by experts who will tell you what David Coleman does not want you to know.  Details here….

Learn about the significant changes to the AP US History. You wont recognize America! Join New Yorkers United for Kids on a Conference Call with Larry Kreigler, Jane Robbins, and Dr. Peg Luksik.

Dial 605-562-3131, Code 755157# Learn about the changes in the AP US History -You’ll be glad you attended!

For more information, please read the policy paper, Imperiling_the_Republic (PDF), published by the Pioneer Institute.   Here’s an excerpt on AP United States History (APUSH),

To paraphrase a Sergio Leone movie, the new  APUSH curriculum represents the bad and the ugly but not the good of American history. The result is a portrait of America as a dystopian society—one riddled with racism, violence,  hypocrisy, greed, imperialism, and injustice. Stories of national triumph, great feats of learning, and the legacies of some of America’s great heroes— men and women who overcame many obstacles to create a better nation—are either completely ignored or given brief mention.

Please attend the webinar tonight, read the Pioneers paper,  and join the fight to defeat Coleman’s desires to control education from P-20.