Eric Owen, Education Editor at the Daily Caller, is asking a question that should make most parents cringe, “Fifty Shades of Gray: how much porn is too much for high schoolers?” Owen was prompted to ask because of a book recommended in the Common Core and read aloud in a tenth grade classroom in Arizona. Owen cites where the book is found in Common Core.
“Dreaming in Cuban” can be found on page 152 among the many recommended texts in a very lengthy Appendix B of the “Common Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies
, Science, and Technical Subjects.”
You’ll have to go to the Daily Caller to read the disgusting text. I refuse to reprint it here. But this is what happens when a state outsources their education to unelected unaccountable “experts” who think they know what our children need to read. Owen continues,
What “Dreaming in Cuban” is doing tucked in the midst of various classics such as Ernest Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms” and Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town” is perhaps a question only Jeb Bush and Arne Duncan can answer.