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Indiana Governor signs bill to repeal Common Core

On Monday, Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed a bill to repeal Common Core.  From the Indianapolis Star

“Less than four years after Indiana became an early adopter of the national Common Core education standards, Gov. Mike Pence signed legislation Monday making Indiana the first state to opt out of the controversial school guidelines.

But the law does not prohibit parts of Common Core from being written into new standards that are expected to be voted on by the state Board of Education late next month.

Pence said his signing of Senate Bill 91 — one of 20 education-related bills he signed into law Monday — would make Indiana a model for other states to follow in taking control of what their students are taught.”

Governor Pence’s action is an encouraging sign and offers a ray of hope for Michigan and other states.

In Michigan news:  Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC) filed assessments begin around the state today.  Lawmakers are also meeting today to discuss appropriations for assessments.   It is time to speak up and  opt-out! Don’t let your children be used as guinea pigs and their data mined for profit, opt-out.  Contact lawmakers and tell them Michigan MUST control our assessments.  Read the full action plan and take action TODAY!