Several recent developments in the DeVos confirmation for Secretary of Education are making many wonder if the DeVos nomination is in trouble?
After a disastrous first hearing on January 17, the vote for her confirmation was scheduled for January 24. The vote has now been postponed until January 31 but that could change again. Democrats are asking for a second hearing to review her financial and ethical filings.
“Education is too important an issue, and the Secretary of Education is too important a position for the country and for this Committee, to jam a nominee through without sufficient questioning and scrutiny,” they wrote to Alexander in a letter Monday. “This is not about politics, it should not be about partisanship — it should be about doing the work we were elected by our states to do to ask questions of nominees on behalf of the people we represent.”
It shouldn’t be about politics but we all know, that when it comes to our children’s education it is always the politics that gets in the way.
The Michigan Republican Party is also worried. Many received an email from the MI GOP requesting they sign petitions or call in support of DeVos. Melanie Kurdy’s, co-founder of Stop Common Core in Michigan, responded to the MI Republican party’s request:
Dear MRP Leaders,
In this letter you say, “We know that Betsy believes in a quality education for all,” but in fact, we do NOT know this is true.
Up until recently, Ms DeVos supported Common Core which most of us believe is bad for kids and results in low quality education for all.
Ms. DeVos could improve her case significantly if she came out very publicly in support of the 2016 bills HB 5444 and SB 826, Repeal & Replace Common Core legislation. Her active engagement in this effort in Michigan would indicate a true commitment to improving education for all!
Michigan could make national headlines by being the first state to make Trump’s campaign promise of getting rid of Common Core real!
DeVos may be the darling of the Trump and the MI Republican Party but parents and voters around the country are pushing back on social media. Her nomination has exposed more about her and the school choice policies which will erode true local control and educational freedom.
There is a twitter rally tomorrow, January 26. The hashtag #DumpDeVos has been very active since her nomination.
We support and join the Democrats in their call for another hearing and for Donald Trump to select another candidate for Secretary of Education. Below are the Republican Senators considering Betsy DeVos’ appointment as Ed Secretary. Don’t complain on social media. Call them! If you have already called- encourage some friends in these states to call!
Chair: Lamar Alexander (TN) 615.736.5129..&..202.224.4944
Susan Collins (ME) 207.622.8414..&..202.224.2523
Lisa Murkowski (AK) 907.586.7277..&..202.224.6665
Johnny Isakson (GA) 770.661.0999..&..202.224.3643
Orrin Hatch (UT) 801.524.4380..&..202.224.5251
Richard Burr (NC) 336.631.5125..&..202.224.3154..&.. 910.251.1058..&..828.350.2437
Michael Enzi (WY) 202.224.3424
Dr. Bill Cassidy (LA) 202.224.5824
Pat Roberts (KS) 202.224.4774
Tim Scott (SC) 202.224.6121
Rand Paul (KY) 202.224.4343