
Withdraw HB 5581 and SB 0945

Today the Michigan House and Senate are debating HB 5581 and SB 0945, a bill introduced by Rep. Genetski to transfer the authority for assessments from the Michigan Department of Education to treasury under Governor Snyder. The reason? The MDE wants Smarter Balanced and many state lawmakers do not.   The “solution” provided in HB 5581 […]


Where does Gov. Snyder stand on testing?

There’s a brawl brewing in Lansing over which test will replace MEAP. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) wants the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC). Business Leaders and the Chamber of Commerce want SBAC. Lawmakers in the legislature are divided.  Some want SBAC but others are concerned about cost and the loss of control if we […]


House sides with lobbyists and pass teacher evaluations

Today the House passed HB 5223 and 5224 a package of bills that tie teacher evaluations to student growth.  This tweet from StudentsFirstMI says it all, Our StudentsFirst members got to thank Rep. Margaret O’Brien for her work on teacher evaluations. #MiLeg #edchat — StudentsFirst MI (@StudentsFirstMI) May 14, 2014  Teacher evaluations tied to […]


Will Lansing choose parents or feds?

An excerpt of the The Michigan Revised School Code   Act 451 of 1976 380.10 says, Rights of parents and legal guardians; duties of public schools. [M.S.A. 15.4010 ] Sec. 10. It is the natural, fundamental right of parents and legal guardians to determine and direct the care, teaching, and education of their children. The public […]


Update on “rebranding” of SBAC

Last week, I wondered if the Michigan Department of Education was  rebranding Smarter Balanced (SBAC) as the “new” MEAP.   Here’s a brief recap: Language was added to an appropriations bill (SB 775 and HB 5314) which would  require Michigan to use a “new” MEAP for the next two years and then in 2016-17 Michigan must […]


Is the MDE “rebranding” SBAC as “new” MEAP?

When Common Core began receiving strong push back from parents across the nation,  pro-Common Core advocate Mike Huckabee urged lawmakers to ““Rebrand it, refocus it, but don’t retreat.”   Governors and state leaders have taken his advice to heart.  Recently, Gov. Pence, rebranded the Common Core in Indiana.  Is Michigan going to do the same thing […]


The Quest for the Common Test

The United States is being transformed from a decentralized educational system to a national system from P-20 right before our eyes.  In 2010, 45 states adopted Common Core, a standard of college readiness for math and English Language Arts. Logically, ONE common standard cannot have FIFTY state tests.  The question became what test would become […]


Teacher Evaluation Passes Out of Committee

A package of two bills, HB 5223 and HB 5224, passed out of the House Education committee this morning.   The Detroit News reports, A House education committee gave quick approval Tuesday to a pair of bills that would create Michigan’s first statewide teacher evaluation system, putting concerns to rest — for the moment — that […]


Teacher evaluations suffer setback!

Earlier I posted about the hearing on  teacher evaluation (HB 5223, 5224) being held in Lansing today in the House Education Committee chaired by Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons.  A vote was expected today which would have tied student assessment performance to teacher evaluations and further entrench common core in Michigan schools.  The bills suffered a […]


Teacher Evaluations and Common Core

How will the federal government make sure that teachers teach exactly what is prescribed in the Common Core?   Easy, they will make their job depend on it and make sure that the schools of education comply or go out of business. In 2009, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said, “I want to be able to […]