The Smarter Balanced Interim Field Test will take place in Michigan from March 24 – May 23 2014. According to a document on assessments the field tests will include K-2, Interim assessments will be piloted in the content areas of English language Arts (ELA) and mathematics for grades K, 1, and 2; and science and […]
As you can imagine, the fight to stop Common Core is not without costs. As a team we willingly donate our time and our own resources to help inform and empower parents. But as the effort continues and momentum builds, the expenses also increase. We are asking for your help. Please donate to help continue […]
Opting-Out is gaining momentum
In Michigan and around the country, parents and teachers are saying “NO!” to the assessments that drive the Common Core. It’s making a huge impact and changing policy in many states. After initially threatening parents and teachers who opted-out, the Chicago Public School System backed down. In a February 28, 2014, 5 p.m. email communication, […]
Join us on a conference call to learn more about Common Core and opting out of assessments. There will be short presentation with a slide show (link below) and also time for questions and answers. Thursday, February 27, at 8 PM. Dial-in: 1-857-232-0157 Conference code: 864556 Parents: You do not have to wait for school […]
Is Student Data Protected?
The US Department of Education released a report on student-data privacy. (PDF) in an attempt to answer the growing concerns about student privacy and disclosing their personal information to third-party vendors. The report is far from reassuring. The answer to whether Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is protected is, “it depends….there is no universal answer.” Is […]
Fordham produced a series of reports after examining the districts considered to be “early implementers” of the Common Core. Their findings published in “Common Core in the Districts: An Early Look at Early Implementer” are predictable and set the stage for a call for common curricula to go with the Common Core, the desired goal […]
Join us on a conference call to learn more about Common Core and opting out of assessments. There will be short presentation with a slide show (link below) and also time for questions and answers. Thursday, February 27, at 8 PM. Dial-in: 1-857-232-0157 Conference code: 864556 Parents: You do not have to wait for school […]
In a Facebook chat set-up by Fox and Friends, Mike Kelly of Fordham blamed parents and teachers for Common Core. “If parents and teachers were doing such a great job there would no need for Common Core. Unfortunately, there is.” So there you go, parents and teachers, it’s all our fault. According to the experts, […]
Conference Call Thursday at 8 PM
Join us on a conference call to learn more about Common Core and opting out of assessments. We have set up two call times next week to accommodate as many schedules as possible. There will be short presentation and also time for questions and answers. Monday, February 24 at 10 AM and Thursday, February 27, […]
Parents, your children have a “Right-to-Learn” and not be treated like a commodity to be tested, tracked, and shipped like a UPS package to their final destination in the global economy. As the parent, you have the authority to stop the Common Core chaos and the high-stakes assessments that do not reflect your values and […]