
Action Needed: New Science and Social Studies being proposed

There are two very important updates for immediate action.  Michigan is considering adopting new science and social studies standards. The Michigan Department of Education wants national common science (NGSS) and social studies standards (C3)  to accompany the already adopted common core standards in math and English.They have tried this before and we have pushed them […]


STEM Bill Shenanigans

Last November,  State Senator Proos and Representative Amanda Price introduced a set of STEM credential bills which would make Michigan the “first state” to certify a high school transcript/diploma for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math)  in the country. We oppose the bills (SB 169/170 and HB 4284/4285). The STEM credential, lobbied for by the […]


SBE President Austin tells mom, “skip the test if you feel strongly”

Good news parents!  You do not need to be bullied by your school principal or staff because you rightly chose to refuse the M-STEP.   Just tell them you are following the advice of State Board of Education President John Austin to skip the test. Shanna (last name withheld), a mom with a fourth grade son, […]


Pine River Superintendent Slams M-STEP

The following email was sent to the legislators who represent the Pine River area in Lansing.  It was also shared with the Pine River Area Schools staff and the school board after the M-Step became a horrible reality this morning. Honorable Gentlemen, So far, the M-STEP process is a painful invasion of teaching and learning […]


Feds confirm there is NO funding cut-off if parents refuse test.

Many parents who adamantly oppose common core state  standards and high-stakes testing would like to opt out and refuse the M-STEP; however, they  are cautious because they worry about penalties to the school if they refuse.    Today’s Washington Post should help put those fears to rest. The threat of federal penalties turns out to be just […]


Ann Arbor Superintendent’s Weak Argument for M-STEP

Momentum is building!  Parents are becoming informed and choosing to refuse the M-STEP assessment! The Michigan PTA has added their voice support to parents and passed a resolution (MIPTA_M-Step_032815.pdf) calling for the “immediate cessation” of the the M-STEP for 2014-2015. We agree!  Stop the M-STEP! Obviously, the MDE is not listening to the PTA, Stop […]


Choose to Refuse Yard Signs

        Troy parent, Jennifer Halucha, has designed lawn signs to let your friends and neighbors know where you stand on Common Core and Testing.   The are weather-resistant heavy cardboard. Jennifer suggests that each city should get a six ore more parents together to purchase a bunch for your area. The art work […]


Important Update on Refusing M-STEP

More GOOD NEWS for parents!   Stop Common Core in Michigan received a copy of a memo from the House Legislative research division to Senator Proos office affirming that there is NO LAW requiring students to take assessments.  This memo, posted below, supports the previous information we posted from the MDE which you can read here.  […]


Opting out is making headlines!

The Oakland Press has written about parents who are opting out and refusing the state assessments, including M-STEP.  This means YOU are having an impact.  Parents are learning that they CAN opt out and sharing the information with others in their area. Here are some quotes from their article,  “Parents aim to opt their kids […]


Update on STEM and 3rd Grade Reading

The Senate Education Committee voted to pass SB 169/170 STEM diploma bills out of committee on Tuesday.  The House Education Committee is not scheduled to take up the companion bill at this time.  Please continue to call and let your Senators and Representatives know you do NOT support SB 169 and SB 170 and HB […]