
How states and schools can opt out of Common core

Dr. Sandra Stotsky, an expert on ELA Standards and a former member of the CCSSI validation committee explains how states and school districts can opt-out of Common Core.    Here’s a key excerpt. On the national level, If a state received RttT money and spent it, it most likely doesn’t have to pay it back if […]


Conference Call TODAY at 10 AM

We will be hosting a conference call Wednesday March 12, 2014  at 10 AM to answer your questions on Common Core and Smarter Balanced Assessments, College Board, and ACT, Inc., that are being aligned to meet the Common Core.   There will be a brief Powerpoint and then time for Q and A.   Link for Powerpoint […]


SAT, ACT and College Readiness

Many people believe that the ACT and the College Board are independent organizations working to adapt to the Common Core.  That is not true.  ACT, Inc.  and College Board were both partners with Achieve in the development of the Common Core.  Additionally, lead architect of the Common Core, David Coleman, currently serves as President of […]


Conference Call on Assessments and Common Core

College Board announced a redesign of the SAT.  ACT has been revising their tests to accommodate the Common Core.  Both College Board and ACT, Inc. were partners in the development of Common Core.   Smarter Balanced Interim field assessments are coming up in Michigan and around the country.    Why all the changes?  What does it all […]


We oppose HB 5111: A bill on third grade reading retention

Michigan lawmakers are considering a pass/fail reading retention policy for 3rd grade students through House Bill HB 5111 Sponsored by Rep. Amanda Price. Sec. 1280f. (1) Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, if a pupil enrolled in grade 3 in a school district or public school academy does not achieve a score of at least […]


Everything you need to know about common core

Education historian Diane Ravitch delivered a phenomenal speech in January and provided the key details on the Common Core. The Washington Post published her speech under the headline “Everything you need to know about the Common Core”  . The entire speech is a must read for anyone who needs a quick primer on the Common […]


Opt-out of Smarter Balanced Field Tests

The Smarter Balanced Interim Field Test will take place in Michigan from March 24 – May 23 2014. According to a document on assessments the field tests will include K-2,   Interim assessments will be piloted in the content areas of English language Arts (ELA) and mathematics for grades K, 1, and 2; and science and […]


Please help support our effort to Stop Common Core

As you can imagine, the fight to stop Common Core is not without costs.   As a team we willingly donate our time and our own resources to help inform and empower parents.  But as the effort continues and momentum builds, the expenses also increase.   We are asking for your help. Please donate to help continue […]


Opting-Out is gaining momentum

In Michigan and around the country, parents and teachers are saying “NO!” to the assessments that drive the Common Core.   It’s making a huge impact and changing policy in many states. After initially threatening parents and teachers who opted-out, the Chicago Public School System backed down. In a February 28, 2014, 5 p.m. email communication, […]


Conference Call on Common Core is TODAY at 8 PM!

Join us on a conference call to learn more about Common Core and opting out of assessments.  There will be short presentation with a slide show (link below) and also  time for questions and answers. Thursday, February 27, at 8 PM. Dial-in: 1-857-232-0157 Conference code: 864556 Parents: You do not have to wait for school […]