Commnetary Common Core Problems

AZ Gov. Brewer tells staff not to use the name Common Core

Question:  If we all start calling a skunk a rose will its scent become appealing?

Answer:  Absolutely not!

Question:  If Governors  change the name of Common Core will it become appealing to their constituents?

Answer:  Absolutely not!

But that is exactly what Arizona Governor Brewer is willing to try in an effort to convince her state to embrace the Common Core.   Gov. Brewer has ordered state agencies to stop using the term Common Core. 

Gov. Jan Brewer ordered her agencies to stop using the term “Common Core’’ when referring to new education standards, in response to hostility from critics over what they see as a federal intrusion.

In an executive order, the governor said she was “reaffirming Arizona’s right to set education policy.” Her order spells out “no standards or curriculum shall be imposed on Arizona by the federal government.”…

…Press aide Andrew Wilder said the order changes nothing except the name, which going forward will be “Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards.’’

These are not Arizona’s standards but common standards adopted by 45 states.  Arizona doesn’t own them.  Michigan doesn’t own them.  The National Governors Association and the Chief Counsel of State School Officers OWN them.  The Common Core website says it plainly, “NGA Center/CCSSO shall be acknowledged as the sole owners and developers of the Common Core State Standards, and no claims to the contrary shall be made.”    Brewer’s name change doesn’t dispute ownership but it does veil the truth about what the status is of  the Common Core in her state and give her an advantage when discussing the standards.

State Rep. Carl Seel, R-Phoenix, one of the foes, said he believes Brewer is trying to blunt the opposition by confusing the issue.

He said people now call state agencies to ask them the status of Common Core standards. With Brewer’s action, he said, callers will be told that Common Core no longer exists, lulling them into believing the new standards have been scrapped.

The depths of deceit and intimidation the cheerleaders for the Common Core must go to convince people that this is a good idea is breath taking to behold.  The NAME common core is NOT the problem the IDEA of a one size fits all educational system is the problem.   Changing the name doesn’t turn a bad idea into a good one. 

Common Core is a skunk in our nation and changing its name will not change the stink.