Commnetary Common Core Problems

The Assessment Landscape

A “must-see” thirteen minute video that presents the serious  issues with common standards and standardized tests. “Where is the evidence that a centralized system is better than local control?” ~  Chris Tienke Please share with your family and friends. Parents not  politicians and should be guiding the most important decisions in a child’s life.    In […]

Commnetary Common Core ELA Standards Common Core Math Standards Events Legislative Updates

Yes, MDE there is federal oversight of SBAC

Yesterday at the presentation to the Joint Committee of the Senate and House Joseph Martineau, deputy superintendent of accountability services for the Michigan Department of Education (MDE)  erred when he claimed that there was no federal review team overseeing SMARTER tests.   According to a report by Gongwer, Martineau indicated that, …there is not, as Mr. McMillin […]

Assessments Information Commnetary Common Core Problems Legislative Updates Uncategorized

Where’s the transparency?

Trying to piece together the events in Lansing today is not easy but the net result seems to be clear, the implementation of Common Core will go forward but questions about the assessments and SBAC remain. Last week, the Senate cowardly gaveled through resolution S-4 as a substitute resolution to HCR-11 previously passed by the […]

Commnetary Common Core Problems

AZ Gov. Brewer tells staff not to use the name Common Core

Question:  If we all start calling a skunk a rose will its scent become appealing? Answer:  Absolutely not! Question:  If Governors  change the name of Common Core will it become appealing to their constituents? Answer:  Absolutely not! But that is exactly what Arizona Governor Brewer is willing to try in an effort to convince her […]

Commnetary Events Legislative Updates

Rep. McMillin standing firm against Common Core

Rep. Tom McMillin (R) Rochester-Hills has taken a lot of heat from both sides of the political aisle for taking a stand against the Common Core.  Many politicians would be tempted to back down under the pressure.  Instead, Rep. McMillin is doubling down in an op/ed and a live chat in an effort to educate […]


The Dehumanizing Effect of Common Core

During the final House hearing, lawmakers heard testimony in favor of common core standards from Brigadier General Stone of the Michigan Army National Guard.  His argument centered around the need for better recruits and the education struggles faced by military families that frequently relocate.  (Video here.) As a military mom with two sons currently serving […]

Commnetary Common Core Problems Legislative Updates

Gov. Snyder why are PUBLIC standards PRIVATELY owned?

I had the privilege of being a part of a WOODTV’s Live Town Hall with Governor Snyder.  (Video at link could not be embedded.) My question centered around the fact that when we adopted the Common Core our PUBLIC school standards became PRIVATELY owned by the NGA and the CCSSO.  It appears from Governor Snyder’s […]

Commnetary Common Core Problems Legislative Updates

Open Letter to Dow CFO J. Donald Sheets (and other execs too.)

Dear Mr. Sheets, Thank you for publicly expressing your thoughts on the Common Core in your recent article, Common Core Standards are common sense. All parents, teachers, and business leaders want children to succeed. But I believe the Common Core is NOT the avenue to success that many promise. As a successful business leader, you […]

Commnetary Common Core Problems Student Data & Privacy

Building a Cradle-to-Career Data System Continues

Michigan Department of Education was awarded a $400,000 grant for PRE-SCHOOL student data system. LANSING — The Michigan Department of Education received a $400,000 grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to begin development of a student data system for pre-kindergarten children, the department announced Tuesday…. The system is intended to allow state agencies to share […]

Commnetary Common Core ELA Standards Common Core Math Standards Common Core Problems Legislative Updates

High Expectations for All Students

Melanie Kurdy raises an excellent point about the last hearing… I would like to review a point that was discussed briefly at the July 31 hearing that I believe is very important, “expectations for students”. I believe the debate we are having should be about improving student learning for all children in Michigan.  This is why we are discussing […]