Tomorrow Representative Kelly will hold the second of four hearings on Common Core. Remember, Common Core is only paused. The hearings this summer are being held to inform lawmakers. A vote will be taken before October 1 to determine the future of Common Core in Michigan.
The first hearing featured two pro-Common Core speakers and none against it. There second hearing will feature two against and two for the Common Core. Consider contacting Representative Kelly and mentioning how the hearings have been lopsided.
Here’s the information for the second hearing and more about what you can do…
House Subcommittee Meeting
Common Core Standards
Subcommittee of the Standing Committee on Education , Rep. Tim Kelly, Chair
Subcommittee of the Standing Committee on Education , Rep. Tim Kelly, Chair
DATE: Wednesday, July 31, 2013
TIME: 10:00 AM
PLACE: Room 521, House Office Building, Lansing, MI
Testimony from:
Testimony from:
Joy Pullman, The Heartland Institute
Michael McShane, American Enterprise Institute
Dr. William Schmidt, Professor Michigan State University
Dr. Larry Arnn, President, Hillsdale College
Michael McShane, American Enterprise Institute
Dr. William Schmidt, Professor Michigan State University
Dr. Larry Arnn, President, Hillsdale College
What you can do….
1. Please sign the petition against Common Core and forward the request to others
2. Consider attending the hearings . The MI Dept of Ed and Pro Common Core people fill the room, we could use some on our side.
3. Free lunch after the hearings if you rsvp with AFP
4. Contact information for the special education committee, please contact them and your State Representative, State Senator and ask that they vote to permanently defund CC and the federally funded and reviewed tests, and vote for data privacy for our students.
5. Visit our Facebook Page for more updates