
What does it take to defeat Common Core?

The Wall Street Journal is talking about the Common Core and what will greet students in the coming school year. (Link here subscription required.)   This comment by Rick Hess of American Enterprise Institute was telling,

“This is the huge fulcrum moment for many of the reforms,” said Rick Hess, director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Washington think tank. “It’s a lot messier than some might have thought.”
If a significant number of suburban, middle-class parents start pushing back, Mr. Hess said, “the whole reform agenda could blow a gasket.”
We are at the tipping point in Michigan.   Let’s blow the gasket on education reform and defeat it.  Michigan can be a model for the rest of the nation’s parents.   Let them see that ordinary people can stand up to lawmakers, DC lobbyists, special interests, and corporate CEOs who seek to turn our children into workers for their profit!
The final hearings are today and tomorrow in Lansing.  If enough parents speak up and tell their lawmakers to Stop Common Core we CAN defeat this.    They need to hear from YOU today.  
Tell them to Stop Common Core and return education to the parents and teachers who know what is bet for their children.