As you may know a Common Core resolution passed the House last Thursday. Their affirmative action moves us another step closer to refunding the Common Core in Michigan. You can see who voted how here. Yes, only 21 Republicans voted against Common Core. They believe the big business Roundtable and their education establishment rather than you.
Concurrent Resolution 11, up for a vote in the Senate soon. It supports Common Core , puts in a few minor data privacy rules, that do not take into consideration agreements the State Board signed, and does NOT get us out of federal testing called SMARTER or SBAC.
There is a scheduled joint meeting of the Senate on Wednesday October 2 where they will hear public testimony on the Common Core. The meeting is scheduled for 2 PM at the Senate Hearing Room, Ground Floor of the Boji Tower. 124 W. Allegan Street, Lansing, MI 48933
Please attend the meeting if you can.
Please call your Senator. Ask that he sponsor and vote for an amendment to pull us out of the federally funded SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT CONSORTIA which is designing the new tests. SBAC has a federal review team for the questions. It replaces the MEAP and interim testing in the classroom.
If there is no amendment then tell your Senator to vote NO!
Find their names and phone number or emails here.