
Who’s the baby daddy?


The Michigan Constitution says in part,

“Sec. 1. Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of  mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”

So where does a high school biology assignment that promotes promiscuity and asks students to figure out the “baby daddy” fit in our Constitutional standard of “religion, morality, and knowledge?”   CBS-Detroit has the story,

“The principal of Romeo High School has called an outraged father to apologize about a controversial homework assignment.

The 9th grade biology worksheet sent home with students this week featured questions about a mother trying to determine the identity of her baby’s father.

Possible answers included: the cable guy, the mailman, the cab driver, the bartender and the guy at the club.

“The goal is that the students are understanding blood types and DNA and possibilities based on the makeup of the two parents,” explained Romeo Schools Superintendent Nancy Campbell.

“But, again, this painted a picture, I think, that was not appropriate,” she added. “My first thought when I saw it was that it certainly been worded better.”

It’s not just the wording but the suggestion that the state can take a baby away from the parent based on the test.

Question 8 in the photo above asks:

The sister of the man above also had issues with finding out who the father of the baby was.  She had the state take a blood test of potential fathers.  Based on the information in the table, why was the baby taken away by the state after the test?

Wow!  Based on a blood test they can take away the baby?   If it’s that simple,  I want to know who the “daddy” of the Common Core and all this progressive garbage is so the parents can have the schools taken away from him.  How about a  “paternity test” on Bill Gates.

In all seriousness, parents you do not have to allow this in your child’s assignments.   Speak up and opt out.   Like this father, it only takes a few to change a school.