
Are teachers being silenced?

Susan Kimball, a kindergarten teacher, testified in a Missouri hearing against Common Core.   With a shaky voice and tears in her eyes Kimball described how she was being bullied by her administrators not to say anything negative.  Via Missouri Education Watchdog:

“I have been strongly discouraged from saying anything negative about Common Core by my administration and some school board members,” Kimball said, her voice shaking.

Kimball described different instances where she, and others, were warned about speaking out.

“In a professional development meeting, um, in-service in November, and at a faculty meeting in January, we were told in my building, and I quote, ‘Be careful about what you post on Facebook, or talk about in the public regarding Common Core.  Don’t say anything negative.  It could affect your job.’”

I don’t think this experience is unique to a single Missouri teacher. I have been told similar stories by teachers in Michigan.  A local teacher said that she could lose her job just for attending a talk against Common Core. Teachers should not fear losing their job for doing standing against Common Core and doing what they think best for their kids.   Another teacher explained to me that many teachers are quietly against this and hoping parents will speak up.  Teachers need to know they have our support if they decide to speak out.

We have provided parents with an Open Letter to Michigan Teachers to print and take to teachers.    Send them a link to this post where they can watch the full video testimony of this brave kindergarten teacher from Missouri.  Let teachers know you stand with them against the Common Core.

Read our Action Plan for others ways to let your voice be heard against Common Core, SBAC, and data tracking.

There is strength in numbers.  You are not standing alone.  When one person speaks up another is emboldened to speak up as well.   Standing together, we can stand firm against those that wish to silence anyone against the Common Core.