
Gates Trains MI PTA in Common Core Advocacy

The National PTA announced that Michigan along with Kansas and Indiana were selected to participate in training in Common Core advocacy courtesy of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Wave 4 Common Core Grantees Announced National PTA would like to congratulate the Indiana, Kansas, and Michigan State PTAs who were recently selected to participate in […]


Educating for Workforce Development

Because ownership and control of the Common Core Standards are in the hands of the National Governors Association (NGA), the chair of the association is notable and her impact on education is significant. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin became the chair of the NGA at their summer meeting on August 5.   Fallin announced her yearlong initiative, […]

Commnetary Common Core ELA Standards Common Core Math Standards Common Core Problems Legislative Updates

High Expectations for All Students

Melanie Kurdy raises an excellent point about the last hearing… I would like to review a point that was discussed briefly at the July 31 hearing that I believe is very important, “expectations for students”. I believe the debate we are having should be about improving student learning for all children in Michigan.  This is why we are discussing […]


A Sneak Peek at the new SAT and ACT

The NY Times posted a story about the SAT (owned by The College Board) and ACT and how they are changing in the next few years.  Big changes are coming to the nation’s two competing admissions tests. Mr. Coleman, who became president last October, is intent on rethinking the SAT to make it an instrument […]

Commnetary Common Core ELA Standards Common Core Math Standards

Jindal’s Naive on Common Core

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal gave a speech at a Redstate gathering on Friday where he addressed the Common Core.   He said, “We will resist any attempt … to impose a national curriculum,” But as the news story points out that “the Jindal administration has been supportive of the standards, with state Education Superintendent John White […]


Committee Hearing Tomorrow

Tomorrow Representative Kelly will hold the second of four hearings on Common Core.  Remember, Common Core is only paused.   The hearings this summer are being held to inform lawmakers.  A vote will be taken before October 1 to determine the future of Common Core in Michigan. The first hearing featured two pro-Common Core speakers and […]


Pence pulls Indiana out of PARCC Testing

Testing is the engine that drives the standard. Despite the claim that Common Core gives teacher more flexibility it does the exact, it forces teachers to “teach to the test” severely limiting their ability to tailor curricula to the needs of their students.  David Coleman ssaid it very clearly, “If you put something on an […]


Marco Rubio Speaks Out Against Common Core

Senator Marco Rubio has spoken out against the Common Core.   From the Florida website Shark Tank, ” While many top Republicans, including former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, have come out in support of Common Core, Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has once again bucked the establishment by stating that he is against the Common Core […]

Events Legislative Updates

Petition to Stop Common Core in Michigan

Ben Lazarus, Warren Consolidated Schools Board of Education Trustee, discusses the Common Core Curriculum in the video below. He has also started a petition asking our lawmakers to vote against the implementation of Common core. Sign Ben Lazarus’s petition to Stop Common Core implementation in Michigan. Here’s the full petition: Petition to Stop the Common […]

Common Core Problems Legislative Updates

Comments Regarding First Hearing

Melanie Kurdys comments to lawmakers regarding the first hearing….. Thank you all for spending yesterday morning listening to testimony about Common Core.  The two advocates who spoke, Mr. Cohen and Superintendent Flanagan, made their best case as to why this is a good idea.  I appreciate the questions you asked, but it was frustrating that […]