The Michigan Constitution says in part, “Sec. 1. Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” So where does a high school biology assignment that promotes promiscuity and asks students to figure out the “baby daddy” fit in our […]
Category: Uncategorized
Teachers frustrated with SBAC tests
Assessments (tests) are a key component of the Common Core. Currently, Michigan is part of the Smarter Balanced Consortia (SBAC). The SBAC has 24 states and territories at various stages of implementation. Due to House Concurrent Resolution 11, Michigan lawmakers are holding hearings to gather information about the different assessments available, including SBAC. Other […]
As we speak around the state about Common Core we’ve noticed a common theme at many of our events: Teachers have serous concerns about the Common Core and how it will change their profession. Many are also worried that if they publicly voice those concerns they may face consequences in their school or jeopardize their […]
Interview on WJR 760
Many thanks to Frank Beckmann and WJR 760 for providing the opportunity to inform his listeners about the issues with Common Core and assessments. Frank Beckmann clearly did his research and understand the serious problems with national standards and assessments. Parents and teachers are growing more frustrated with the curricula, the testing, and the loss […]
What’s next for Michigan parents?
Many parents are asking us what can we do now that Common Core was adopted and a resolution (HCR 11) passed that allows the implementation of Common core to go forward. The STOP Common Core of Michigan team has devised a strategy for 2014 which we believe will help turn the tide in favor of […]
Feb. 5 Common Core at the Capital
DONT FORGET OUR PRESENTATION AND SMARTER HEARINGS WEDNESDAY FEB 5th TESTING = CONTROL OF CURRICULUM and DATA COLLECTION What is tested is what is taught. What is taught is what is thought. Keep watching Stop Common Core in Michigan facebook in case of weather changes to the below hearings. Along with the hearing we have […]
On Wednesday, I attended a School Choice event hosted by America’s Future Foundation. One of the panelists was Aquan Miles, Principal from Taylor Prep who enthusiastically talked about the innovative ways her high school is meeting the needs of the community. Also on the panel was Dan Quisenberry of MAPSA. Quisenberry spoke highly of School […]
Student Data NOT safe under SBAC
Is your student-level data safe now that we have adopted the Common Core? That is a hot topic in Michigan right now as we decide our assessments. Currently we are part of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortia (SBAC). School officials and others want us to believe that under SBAC your child’s data is safe. It’s […]
Common Core at the Capital Feb. 5
February 5 is a key day in the fight to defeat Common Core in Michigan. There are TWO reasons to come to Lansing. Reason #1: A joint committee will continue to hear testimony regarding the Smarter Balanced Assessments. Please call your state senator and representative and tell them to oppose Smarter Balanced and all Common […]
Choice: It’s a Beautiful Thing
Imagine with me, if you will, that you just bought a new home. You are so excited. The rooms are spacious, the neighborhood lovely, and the surrounding community is spectacular. The area is loaded with restaurants, museums, orchestras, and cultural opportunities galore. All to entertain and educate you and your children. You wander around your […]