Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) hosted a webinar with College Board President, David Coleman, last Friday. If you were hoping for a take-down of Coleman it didn’t happen. The email sent out by HSLDA President Mike Smith before the event gave us a hint at the tone, At this time, we have not seen any […]
I received a note from a parent after she had a conversation with her local charter school principal over Common Core and how it is impacted her child. She wrote, I had the opportunity to discuss my Common Core concerns with the principal, alone, after the meeting. I had a full page of reasons […]
A Guest Post by Melanie Kurdys The resignation letter of Eagle Crest Charter Academy President Biran Polet because of Common Core and SBAC has sparked a lot of interest in the role Common Core and high-stakes testing is playing in school choice. There are people who are strong advocates of both school choice and Common […]
Tests Gone Wild!
Governor Snyder and the Michigan Department of Education obsession with high-stakes testing has reached a new low with the Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA). From the MDE website, Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA) Michigan’s Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA) is an authentic observational system (provided by Teaching Strategies GOLD) for assessing children in the first 45 days of […]
Brian Polet resigned as as board president and from the board of directors of Eagle Crest Charter Academy. Below is his stinging resignation letter. Please read and share this letter. Dear Eagle Crest Charter Academy, National Heritage Academies, and Central Michigan University, Effective June 30, 2014, I officially resign as board president and from the […]
As the election season begins many have asked how the candidates and incumbents stand on Common Core. There is high interest in their position and many believe Common Core will be the “litmus test” issue for the 2014 elections. To assist readers and concerned voters, we will maintain a running list for various offices and […]
Governor Rick Snyder is at the Mackinac Policy Conference (#MPC14) this week. MiVote interviewed Governor Snyder today and asked him about the bills moving testing from the Michigan Department of Education to Treasury. His response, “I didn’t call for that.” Detroit Free Press Education reporter, Lori Higgins tweeted the responses from Gov. Snyder. “I […]
Oklahoma needs our help!
Oklahoma Gov. Fallin is head of the National Governor’s Association and a a staunch supporter of Common Core. Parents and teachers in OK have been able to push back and get a bill, HB 3339 through the legislature which would repeal Common Core. Gov. Fallin has until June 7 to sign the bill or it […]
Stop Common Core in the News
WZZM News filed a Special Report: Common Core 101. Reporter Sarah Sell talked with Melanie Kurdys, Sarah Perks, and featured our website, Stop Common Core in Michigan, in their report. The video is available below or if you are receiving this post via email at this link: WZZM: Common Core 101 ACTION ITEM: Michigan is […]
Parents and teachers: It’s time WE teach Lansing a lesson…we’re in charge of our children’s future. Please read this post and contact your legislators TODAY! Yesterday, I encouraged state lawmakers to withdraw HB 5581 and SB 0945 until we knew what assessment Governor Snyder supports. We still don’t know. Instead, lawmakers in both the the […]