Thank you to the candidates listed below who signed the Stop Common Core in Michigan pledge to stop FedEd and return control of education to Michigan parents and teachers. Printable pledge available here: pledge 2016 (PDF) A huge thank you to voters who went to candidate forums or contacted candidates to ask them to […]
Category: Uncategorized
In 2006, Bill Gates said to a group of elites at the Aspen Institute, The business of philanthropy is thinking through the way to change something.It’s just this simple: You have some money, and you have some things you’d like to see different.” Michigan parents have another wealthy philanthropist who would like to see changes […]
Candidates Respond to Pledge
The Stop Common Core in Michigan pledge is generating quite a few discussions on social media thanks to constituents who are posting and asking candidates to sign. Printable pledge available here pledge 2016 (PDF) Candidates who sign pledge to: Restores parents’ rights to direct the education of their children. Rejects all federal mandates tied to […]
We are continuing to update our list of candidates who have signed the pledge to return education to parents in Michigan. Thank you to all the candidates who responded! The list of names is available here. State and Congressional races are important because we advocate for less federal intrusion in education, elimination of Common […]
Dear Education activists, Stop Common Core in Michigan, in partnership with US Parents Involved in Education, has developed an Education Policy Pledge for legislators and candidates. At its core, the pledge calls for the true repeal of Common Core standards & assessments, being replaced with proven, evidence based MA standards & assessments, Pre-Common Core. Please […]
Pledge to Return Control to Parents
Stop Common Core in Michigan created a pledge to circulate to lawmakers and candidates seeking office. Please take this pledge to candidate forums, parades, and other events and ask the candidates seeking your vote where they stand. Ask them to sign the pledge and send it back to us (address below). If a candidate does […]
What’s next for SB 826?
There is a lot of debate, frustration, and uncertainty surrounding what’s going on with SB 826 to Repeal and Replace Common Core (math/ELA), science, social studies, and aligned assessments with the proven Massachusetts standards. Here’s what we know… SB 826 as INTRODUCED is a STRONG bill. How do we know? The passed the Senate Education […]
We never expected the effort to Repeal and Replace Common Core (math and ELA), science, social studies and aligned assessments to be easy. We knew there would be bumps in the road and expected strong push-back. The list of state agencies, organizations, and people opposed to HB 5444/SB 826 is long and well-funded. It includes […]
This post is important. Please read and share! STOP Common Core in Michigan continues to call for the passage of SB 826, a bill to Repeal & Replace Common Core AND assessments, as passed from committee. Sadly, the full Senate failed to vote on SB 826 before summer break despite the fact that it passed […]
The Michigan State Board of Education, the Michigan Department of Education and Governor Snyder have announced the new goal of making Michigan’s Education System “Top 10 in 10 Years”. Like “Clean Water” and “Clean Air”, who could possibly oppose this goal? Surely everyone can rally around a slogan, “Michigan Education – Top 10 in 10 […]